Driving Solutions That Are Good for Consumers and Business

400+ local businesses across Washington, D.C., make up the Alliance for an Affordable DC coalition.

As COVID-19 impacted local businesses in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere, we pivoted to provide marketing and technical guidance to help their sales and operations.

In Prince George’s County, Md., beverage companies worked closely with local officials on a bill that outlines default beverage options for children’s meals, while preserving parental choice.In such a fluctuating situation, we are continuing to find new and meaningful ways to protect our nation’s workforce, consumers and economy.

Giving Americans a Voice

Our industry remains committed to speaking out against beverage taxes and regulations that place additional hardships on families and local businesses already struggling with the high cost of living and the economic impact of COVID-19. In Washington, D.C., we’re giving voice to more than 400 local businesses, other business alliances and trade organizations that oppose a local beverage tax that would further devastate the restaurant and hospitality industry. We successfully assisted Nebraska, Ohio and South Dakota with state measures to prevent similar regressive legislation against our beverages and containers in the future. We remain vigilant in working alongside our allies to oppose legislation that unfairly singles out our industry as well as to give voice to Americans who would be severely impacted.

Encouraging Free Trade

In January 2020, we advocated for the passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to continue access and tariff-free trade with Canada and Mexico, which together account for nearly 40% of U.S. aluminum imports. When tariffs were later imposed on imported Canadian aluminum, ABA and its allies in the beer and flexible packaging industries worked tirelessly for their removal. ABA will continue to work through coalitions to engage with lawmakers to share why free and fair trade is so critical—not only for the entire beverage sector but for the American economy.

Making an Impact Globally

Similar to the United States, the beverage industry is playing an essential role in ensuring food security and philanthropy around the world during the pandemic. The International Council of Beverages Associations (ICBA) is continuing to work with governments and allied trade associations domestically and internationally to ensure that borders remain open to trade without unfair barriers and that regulations proposed by countries are grounded in strong science. For example, over the past year ICBA has been heavily engaged in efforts to counter a series of restrictive measures from the Mexican government related to warning labels, sales bans and advertising restrictions. On the global front, ICBA is leading negotiations on behalf of the private sector to ensure the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s global voluntary guidelines on food systems are balanced and do not include age-related marketing restrictions and recommendations for beverage taxation.